Let's compare car finance

Check out our car finance providers

Driving off the lot in your dream vehicle requires navigating financing options to make ownership attainable. Car finance provides lending solutions allowing buyers to fund new or used autos so you can cruise customized rides tailored to needs and budgets. Specialized auto loans feature extended repayment terms over traditional lending while lease packages deliver flexibility to members seeking lower monthly payments. Connecting with knowledgeable finance professionals ensures you find the right funding fit to responsibly accelerate purchasing power on the road ahead.

Compare Car Finance
Car Finance Quotes
Get Me Car Finance

Get Me Car Finance

Car Finance from Get Me Car Finance can include and offer the following cover(s)

Included Deposits from 0%
Included Rates from 7.9% APR
Included All Circumstances Considered
Excluded Non-UK residents

Check Provider
rated Excellent on Trustpilot
pay Annually or Monthly
No discounts currently
Match Me Car Finance

Match Me Car Finance

Car Finance from Match Me Car Finance can include and offer the following cover(s)

Included Deposits from 0%
Included Rates from 7.9% APR
Included All Circumstances Considered
Excluded Non-UK residents

Check Provider
rated Excellent on Trustpilot
pay Annually or Monthly
No discounts currently
Carmoola Car Finance

Carmoola Car Finance

Car Finance from Carmoola can include and offer the following cover(s)

Included Deposits from 0%
Included Rates from 7.9% APR
Included All Circumstances Considered
Excluded Non-UK residents

6.9 - 14.8% APR
rated Excellent on Trustpilot
pay Annually or Monthly
No discounts currently
It's important to know

Beat That Quotes cannot and do not accept liability for the content displayed on external links. We may receive a commission from the sale of any policy for those providers with a green style "Get Quote" button. The panel information above is checked and updated every 3 months (90 days) and therefore may be slightly out of date. Please contact the car finance provider directly for discount related issues.

Car Finance

Compare Car Finance Quotes

Driving off the lot in your dream vehicle requires navigating financing options to make ownership attainable. Car finance provides specialized lending solutions allowing buyers to fund new or used autos responsibly so you can cruise customized rides tailored to needs and budgets.

Connecting with knowledgeable finance professionals ensures you find the right funding mix to accelerate your purchasing power on the road ahead.

Navigating Auto Financing Solutions

When shopping for vehicles, dealers and lenders offer a range of financing solutions to fund purchases including:

Mapping the optimal funding mix requires weighing factors like future trade-in plans, ownership goals, driving usage, advanced features, contract terms, and acquisition fees. Test driving financing options ensures you cruise off the lot safely on your terms.

Why Opt for Car Finance?

Funding purchases via lending enables flexible ownership by:

Who Should Consider Car Financing?

Vehicle financing makes sense for individuals like:

Accelerate your auto purchasing power responsibly! Connecting with the right finance pro navigates the optimal road ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Car finance is a way of borrowing money to purchase a car. Instead of paying the full price upfront, you pay a deposit (if required) and then make regular monthly payments over a set period. At the end of the term, you may own the car, return it, or have options to purchase it outright depending on the type of finance agreement.

Yes, it is possible to get car finance with bad credit, but the options may be limited, and interest rates are likely to be higher. Some lenders specialize in providing car finance for individuals with poor credit histories. Improving your credit score before applying can help secure better terms.

Not always, but many car finance agreements, particularly HP and PCP, require a deposit, usually around 10% of the car's price. A larger deposit can reduce your monthly payments and the total amount of interest paid over the term.

Yes, you can usually pay off your car finance early, but there may be early repayment fees. Check the terms of your agreement to understand any penalties or charges for early repayment. Paying off early can save you money on interest.

Missing a payment can result in late fees, damage to your credit score, and potential repossession of the car if the issue is not resolved. Contact your lender immediately if you are unable to make a payment to discuss your options.

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