Most Used Home Insurance Terms in the UK


Home Insurance Guide

Understanding home insurance terminology is crucial for selecting the right policy and ensuring you have adequate coverage. Here’s a list of the most commonly used home insurance terms in the UK:

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1. Buildings Insurance

  • Covers the structure of your home, including walls, roof, floors, and permanent fixtures.

2. Contents Insurance

  • Covers personal belongings within your home, such as furniture, electronics, and clothing.

3. Combined Buildings and Contents Insurance

  • A policy that provides both buildings and contents coverage under one plan.

4. Premium

  • The amount you pay for your insurance policy, usually annually or monthly.

5. Excess

  • The amount you must pay out of pocket for each claim before the insurer covers the remaining costs.

6. Sum Insured

  • The maximum amount the insurer will pay out for a claim.

7. Replacement Cost

  • The cost to replace an item or structure with a new equivalent.

8. Market Value

  • The current value of an item or property in the marketplace.

9. New for Old

  • Policy feature that replaces damaged or lost items with new equivalents, regardless of depreciation.

10. Accidental Damage Cover

  • Covers unintentional damage to your home or its contents.

11. Personal Possessions Cover

  • Extends contents insurance to cover items taken outside the home, such as jewellery or gadgets.

12. Liability Insurance

  • Covers legal costs and compensation if someone is injured or their property is damaged due to your negligence.

13. Buildings Sum Insured

  • The maximum amount the insurer will pay to rebuild your home if it is completely destroyed.

14. Contents Sum Insured

  • The maximum amount the insurer will pay to replace your home’s contents.

15. Underinsurance

  • When the sum insured is less than the actual value of the property or contents, leading to reduced claim payouts.

16. Overinsurance

  • When the sum insured is more than the actual value, leading to higher premiums without additional benefit.

17. Policyholder

  • The individual or entity that owns the insurance policy.

18. Policy Schedule

  • A document detailing the specifics of your insurance coverage, including the insured property, limits, and endorsements.

19. Endorsement

  • A modification or addition to your insurance policy that changes the terms or coverage.

20. Exclusions

  • Specific conditions or circumstances that are not covered by the policy.

21. Perils

  • Risks or events covered by the insurance policy, such as fire, theft, or flooding.

22. Standard Perils

  • Common risks typically covered by a home insurance policy, such as fire, storm, and theft.

23. Additional Perils

  • Optional coverages that can be added to your policy, such as accidental damage or subsidence.

24. Subsidence

  • Downward movement of the ground supporting the building, causing structural damage.

25. Escape of Water

  • Covers damage caused by water leaking from pipes, tanks, or appliances.

26. Flood Insurance

  • Covers damage caused by flooding, either as part of standard cover or as an additional option.

27. Storm Damage

  • Covers damage caused by extreme weather conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain.

28. Fire and Smoke Damage

  • Covers damage caused by fire, smoke, or soot.

29. Theft and Vandalism

  • Covers loss or damage due to burglary or intentional destruction of property.

30. Alternative Accommodation

  • Covers the cost of temporary housing if your home is uninhabitable due to a covered event.

31. Home Emergency Cover

  • Provides assistance and repairs for urgent issues like boiler breakdowns or plumbing emergencies.

32. Legal Expenses Cover

  • Covers legal costs incurred in disputes related to your home or property.

33. Trace and Access

  • Covers the cost of locating and accessing the source of damage, such as a leaking pipe.

34. Index-Linked

  • A feature where the sum insured is adjusted in line with inflation to maintain adequate coverage.

35. No Claims Discount

  • A reduction in your premium for each year you do not make a claim.

Understanding these terms will help you navigate the complexities of home insurance and ensure you secure the right coverage for your needs.

This article is designed to offer general advice and may not apply to every insurance, broker, insurer, cover or policy. You would need to check the individual policy benefits of each cover with your insurer or broker.

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